I've been on a kick lately where I'll go down to my stamping cave, and bust out 4 or 5+ cards in a sitting. Here's just a taste of what I've been up to, late at night:Peace & Blessings!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Cards, Cards, and more Cards!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Gorgeous Card!
I think this is simply.... GORGEOUS!
It's funny how sometimes I feel like I can't come up with anything that looks good when I'm stamping, and other times, I don't "work" at it, and something like this is the result!
Peace & Blessings!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Goofing Around With The Camera
Last night I snapped some photos of Apollo hanging out on a chair. He's such a lion!
Peace & Blessings!
Friday, July 27, 2007
My Deck Garden
My deck garden is thriving!
Here are some updates:
Have you ever seen Lettuce Trees? Yeah, me either. We've had so much lettuce this year, that we just can't eat it all - and I've been giving it away. Look at what has happened. The lettuce on the left stands from top of dirt, to tip, 33" tall.
I've never seen lettuce flower before:
My first morning glory that was planted from seed:Other new flowers, that were planted from seed:
Peace & Blessings!
Fun with Chalks
This card was done using VersaMark and Chalk.
Peace & Blessings!
PS - Is anyone else as excited as I am for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Theme park?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Happy Birthday Miss Vera!
Vera's birthday was actually yesterday - but I couldn't post her card until today - didn't want to ruin the surprise that was coming in the mail.
Peace & Blessings!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Shadow Box Angel
This is a heavy card. I wanted to try the shadow box technique; it didn't come out as planned, but it's interesting.
Peace & Blessings!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Framed Art
I don't like to post multiple posts to my blog, per day. I prefer to do a post a day, sometimes a little less.
Today just isn't one of those days! I am bursting to share!
I made this last night, and I'm going to hang it in my office to remind me of what's important:
Laugh Louder, Play Longer, Love More - coupled with my all time FAVORITE stamp - the smiling, joyful flower! (oh, and for you stampers out there - the eyelets - were set silently with my Crop-O-Dile... as I made this around midnight and Adam was in the bedroom; directly above my stamping room; trying to sleep - ROCK ON!)
Because it's hard to tell - even if you click on the picture to make it bigger - here's what I did:
Background paper done with a jumbo roller
Black strip - with 4 eyelets - soft subtles
Words done with black embossing powder, then punched out, and inked the edges.
Cut the ribbon, and attached to back.
Words and ribbon attached with foam double sided tape to add dimension
Matte for flower I ran through my Big Shot using a Cuttlebug embossing folder, then inked
Flower stamped in purple, and watercolored - paper edged in yellow
Eyelets set with Crop-O-Dile (such a BEAST of a tool!)
Cleaned the glass, popped it in the frame - ready for hanging!
Peace & Blessings!
Love Note
I really get a kick out of cards that move, or have a surprise involved with reading them.
I see myself making many, many more cards of this type.
Peace & Blessings!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Painted Bottles
I would love your opinion on these!
I painted these yesterday. 1 is with olive oil, the other, with dish soap. I'm really pleased how my painting came out, but I guess I don't like that I didn't sponge on paint before hand - so you can see through. I have so much painted, that, in my opinion, they look a bit messy. And, the yellow color of the olive oil, and the bright yellow color of the dish soap, I think takes away from the project. What do you think? (If you've seen my vase, see below, that's what I mean about sponge painting on the glass first)Olive Oil ____________________________ Dish Soap
(click on the photo for an enlarged view)
Peace & Blessings!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Harry Potter Timeline
Friday, June 20th:
10:05 AM - I went to Barnes & Noble this morning to get my bracelet for tonight (first group to go up to the registers! YEAH!) - and there was a line! I couldn't believe how many people showed up at 9. I only did because I live 2 miles away, and about 8:55 I thought, "oh yeah, Barnes and Noble." But, the sweetness, is I am in the first group to get my book at midnight - so I'll get home before 12:30 to start reading! ROCK ON!
3:56 PM: So, the Mountain Dew is doing odd things to me. I feel like I'm drinking corn syrup, and I feel like I'm not in my body. I seriously feel... odd. There's just no other way to explain this. I can't seem to drink enough water, along with the Dew because I'm finding that , really, I don't like Mountain Dew all that much; I rarely drink soda. (Dance class should be interesting tonight!)
9:30 PM - I've banned the Mountain Dew - did weird stuff to me. I'm done teaching dance class, I've showered and had dinner - and we're off to Barnes & Noble. I've got my digital camera in hopes of getting a shot of Hagrid to post for you later!
Saturday, June 21st
12:15 AM
Big countdown at the store - lots of screaming, pushing, running to the registers. Because I was in Group 1 to go to the registers (50 people per group) I was out of the store, in the car, and out of the parking lot by 12:06 AM and home by 12:12 AM.
I'm off to read - I'll post Hagrid's picture and other fun things later today.......
3:03 AM
I'm on page 176 which is the beginning of a new chapter - and I simply need sleep. Adam has been listening to the audio, but we've both decided to go to bed.
But, before I do, I felt the need to keep you informed on the Harry Potter progress.... and my only comment (because I refuse to give away ANYTHING to those who have not read it yet) is this book is, by far, has the fastest pace out of the previous.
Good night
9:45 AM
At 9:30, Merlin (our cat, NOT a character in Harry Potter) decided it would be a good idea to try and tear our bedroom door off it's hinges. Lovely.
So, with that, I'm up, Adam is still sleeping.
More details about last nights fun at Barnes & Noble:
Professor Quirrell ran screaming through the store at one point "There's a troll in the dungeon!"
Walking into the store, there was an opportunity to put on the sorting hat, and be sorted into houses. (This was then used as crowd control about 11 PM)
There were potions demonstrations.
Professor Trelawney was fun!
Hagrid was walking around performing magic tricks. (I am disappointed that the picture I shot didn't come out in focus! MAJOR BUMMER!) He was a HUGE man - stood at least 6'6" or more.
Barnes & Noble holds 1,300 at capacity. By 11 PM, they had to lock the doors, and not let anyone else in. By 11:50 there were lots and lots of people outside waiting to come in.
At midnight, I strategically placed myself about 5 feet, straight shot, to get into the check out line. This way, when the surge of people happened which would create a funnel - I'd be sucked in, verses having to try to turn a corner (that didn't go so well for a few people). Well, as you know from before, this was a brilliant move on my part, because there was the "chosen 7" people that were able to go to the registers first, and Group 1 wasn't allowed until that 7 had COMPLETELY checked out - however that started at midnight sharp, and we were out of the parking lot by 12:06 - so all in all, it went really fast.
Trying to get OUT of the store proved to be difficult. All the people outside that wanted in, were not in a line, just crowded right up - so literally a security guard had to say "let her by, if you want to get in, you need to let people get out".
Oh, I almost forgot! In the car ride over I told Adam that I "intend to get a really great parking spot". Barnes & Noble's parking lot and Home Depot's parking lot back up to each other. Believe me, there were hundreds of cars in Home Depot's lot. I pulled in, pulled down the aisle that is centered with B&N's front door, and there was someone pulling out. I got a parking spot 2nd out from the FRONT DOOR! ROCK ON!
10:30 PM
I've finished the book. I had to take breaks throughout the day - so I did not read Harry Potter cover to cover.
My 2 cents:
Peace & Blessings!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tri-fold Card & Harry Potter
Click on the photos for a closer view.
Harry Potter?
I don't know about you - but I'm am gearing up for Harry Potter! Both Adam and I have re-read the last book, to make sure our facts are right for the new book. And, we are for the first time, going to Barnes & Noble for the midnight release tomorrow night. I'm not really sure what we are in for - but the nice woman from B&N called to remind me I have a book on reserve, and she filled me in with magic trick Hagrid, Butter Beer, crafts (did she really say crafts... goodie goodie). It should be a good time.
My plan of action? I am actually going to be ingesting Mountain Dew tomorrow. I don't do coffee, I don't do caffeine (unless it's chocolate), and whenever I have, say, iced tea with caffeine, I'm up! Seriously, I'm UP! There is NO going to bed until the wee hours of the morning if I have caffeine - I'm talking, stick my tongue into a Mountain Dew at 9 AM and I am UP until 5 AM!
So, that's the plan. I'm going to B&N in the morning to pick up my bracelet (so I can be close to the first couple rounds of people allowed up to the registers), and start drinking Mountain Dew. I wonder - will I get caught up at work tomorrow with my caffeine? After work, I'm teaching a dance class; come home, eat something hearty, because Adam and I will head over to B&N around 9 PM.
Why 9? Because the nice woman told me the store will be at capacity Friday night, so even if I have my bracelet, if there are too many people, we won't be allowed inside! That's crazy! So, we are going at 9ish, plan to be there until we get our books after midnight, then I'm going for an all out - all night reading session..... to which I will update you on how I did on Saturday!
Peace & Blessings!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Wild Flowers Welcome
I never did paint "Welcome" on my new front door bling.
Like it? I painted this last night!
Peace & Blessings!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Manifesting My Dream Home at BJ's!
Adam loves this story, so I guess it's time I shared with you!
I walked into BJ's one day, and there were 2 men practically assaulting customers with whatever they were trying to sell. As I walked past, one said, "Miss, are you a homeowner?"
Me - "Yes"
Him - "What project are you going to complete next on your home?" (and he showed me a display with windows, flooring, gutters, etc)
Me - "None of those"
Him - "Well, surely you need to update SOMETHING in your home"
Me - "Actually, no"
Him - "Oh, come on?"
Me - "I just built my dream home, so it's PERRRRRFECT"
Him - with a very surprised look on his face "well, ok then, have a nice day!"
Me - "Thanks, I'm sure I will" with a giggle and walked away
That was the first time I've ever just spoke what I'm wanting to create, instead of what "is". Fun stuff!
Peace & Blessings!
You Make Life Fun!
I love trying new techniques! This card opens from the TOP.
Peace & Blessings!
PS: If you are a stamper, and love the book If You Give A Mouse A Cookie; check out this blog post: If You Give A Crafter A Stamp!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
My friend, Michele, who got me into stamping, is a Stampin Up! demonstrator. On Monday she called to say a local demonstrator is moving, and she spent time over the weekend helping her clean out her stamping room. "Keep an eye out" - because Michele took some card examples (always LOVE those - great for inspiration) and is sending me some.
I thought, maybe 20, at the most.
Yesterday I went to my PO Box, and there were 6 packages for me, from Michele. Inside: approximately 300 cards!
Last night, Adam and I, spread out a large blanket on the living room floor, and went through each and every card together. (Can I just say - how cool is THAT?! My hubby wanted to look at the cards with me! ROCK ON!)
I made 3 piles:
The "WOW, I MUST TRY THAT!" pile
The "OOOOOHHHH, I'm going to make a version of that for Christmas cards this year" pile
and the "nice, but no out-loud reaction" pile.
I then sorted them into 3 boxes. Here's one, to give you an idea (100 cards):And to top it off, my friend Sheila is coming over today to play in my stamping room. I'm just so excited! I have so much to do! I even dreamed about card making last night. I think it's the first time I've ever dreamed about card making.
!!!!!!!!!! MICHELE ROCKS !!!!!!!!!!
Peace & Blessings!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Challenging Myself
I decided to challenge myself to use some stamp sets and paper I haven't touched in a long, long time. Here's the result:
Peace & Blessings!
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix - REVIEW
Review? Well, sort of.
I don't like to give detailed reviews of movies I've seen because everyone gets totally different things out of the same movie.
Here's my 2 cents:
It was a book, made into a movie - OF COURSE THERE ARE CHANGES!
The changes, although some are distinct changes, really don't take away from the overall plot.
I don't think it was the best movie yet - but I really enjoyed myself. There are lots of little jokes where the adults were laughing, and the kids were not.
I loved seeing how the actors have really grown into themselves. They've mostly past that akward puberty stage, and are growing into being young adults.
There's a scene between Harry and a girl, that brought me right back to being a teenager.
Umbridge's character, although evil, the actress did an amazing job with her.
Grawp looked nothing like I expected.
Filtch's run still makes me laugh out loud.
The pacing of this movie I think is the fastest paced HP movie to date.
You get the idea.....
As for the experience of seeing Harry Potter on opening night:
People in costumes
People with lightening bolts on their foreheads
People RUNNING to the theater when they let the line in
Almost every seat filled in the theater
It was fun.
Peace & Blessings!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
We are going to see Harry Potter tonight. Yes, opening day, with all the other crazy people. Wish me luck!
Peace & Blessings!
Sheila's Tropical Shirts
My good friend, Sheila, learned how to fold shirts - with a twist.
This BRILLIANT woman put together tropical flowers on her computer, ran colored paper through her printer, and look at her end result:
Peace & Blessings!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Copy Card
I copied the layout for the card from one I made at a stamping party. I just changed the colors and stamp set. I like the design.
Peace & Blessings!
Monday, July 9, 2007
My Husband ROCKS!!!
Yesterday, I had a Spa Day at my house with 2 friends. We laughed, watched a movie, did nails, etc etc etc.... and Adam: cooked.
Adam made his world famous chicken and broccoli. Adam made chocolate lava muffins and even gave us spoons to lick while he was whipping up the batter. Smart man... very smart man!
Did I mention, Adam ROCKS?!?!!!
Peace & Blessings!
PS: This is how Apollo enjoyed Spa Day with The Girls!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Mmmmmmmmmm, Salt Water Taffy
My good friend just came back from a week in Maine - my old stomping grounds. She brought back a bunch of goodies for me! YAY!
The best.... salt water taffy from The Goldenrod. I worked 2 summers at the Goldenrod; and I must say, seeing the box, and tasting the taffy again - I got a bit nostalgic!
Peace & Blessings!