Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama's Inaugural Speech

I made a comment to a friend today that my kids will ask me someday if I remember Obama's Inaugural Speech....

If you want to read it - you can find his speech here: http://www.pic2009.org/blog/entry/president_obamas_inaugural_address/

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Precious Metal Clay

Adam and I took a Precious Metal Clay class! YAY WOO!

We've been wanting to do this for YEARS!

Here are a few things we did:

Adam made the chain a few years ago, and made a pendant to hang on it! Looks great!

We both made sage leaf pendants. Mine is on the left. These are by far my favorite! I could make 100 of these, and still love them all!

This is a ring I did. We learned how to texture the band of the ring and set a stone:

We had a blast - and are now totally addicted! The best part - the instructor is in town, and will allow us to fire our pieces in her kiln! YAY!

Peace & Blessings!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A couple of this years Thank You Cards

These are from this year - my ready to go for Christmas of 2009 cards will be posted in 2010! (I actually made a handful of different designs - but sealed them in envelopes before I could scan them! - WHOOPS!)

Peace & Blessings!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Laugh WITH me!

Before you read this entire post - remember - LAUGH WITH ME!

Every year, around September / October I make all of my Christmas Thank You cards - so I will be ready - and not have to think about it in the middle of December craziness.

This year, I didn't do that.

So, about all of December and into the beginning of January - I've had this self talk going on in my head: "Why didn't I make Thank You cards early this year? When am I going to have the time to do this? I can't believe I didn't do it early! ARGH!"

This weekend, I finished up Thank You cards - wrote them out, addressed, stamped, sealed.... etc.

I made 2 extras - as I haven't done gift exchange with 2 people yet. So, AFTER I finished my cards & was cleaning up, I pulled my card box down off the shelf to store my 2 extras.

Drum roll please......... (remember laugh WITH me)

There, in my card box.......
25 Christmas Thank You cards......
beautiful, complete, READY TO GO Thank You cards..........

And it hit me - I got together with girlfriends back in AUGUST - and that's when I made them - because I knew I'd want to be ready!

I think because I did it in August - I totally forgot! That's much earlier than usual!

So, now I have 25 beautiful, complete, READY TO GO Christmas Thank You cards for 2009!!!!

Laugh WITH me......

Peace & Blessings!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Josh Groban - You Are Loved

Are You Going to Finish Strong

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Pictures

I realize I'm late in posting these:

Apollo has taken up residence under our Tree!

We threw an afgahn over the chair - for whatever reason - and Merlin took up residence! Smart cat!

Peace & Blessings